Where does a dead heart go?

Chidera Ochuagu
2 min readMay 25, 2024


….a dead heart asks.

Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

what happens when a heart is crushed a million times, consistently?

does the heart die or does it keep fighting for life? Is it even offered the chance to choose which it wants?

does the dead heart ever get to resurrect like the soul is promised?

do hearts have cemeteries and graveyards? do they receive flowers too?

is there a punishment for the people who murder hearts? and why does no one plan funerals when hearts die? is it the cheer nonchalance towards matters of the heart or is it a graceful belief and hope that dead hearts can come alive as long as the body is alive?

i have watched myself become a shadow and also watched my shadow disappear entirely. I do not know who or what I am.

my body lives, but my heart has either gone into a coma or is dead,

this heart craved love and loved so fiercely, this heart craved community and fought to keep hers,
this heart believed because she was,
but see, this heart has gone terribly cold,

she's not receptive of love, she's dead - or she's in coma, she feels nothing and can give nothing anymore.

this heart watched herself die slowly, believing in building love stories - platonic and romantic love stories, and with each break, she also broke, and now, she’s dead, or not-so-dead

this heart, hopes to live again.



Chidera Ochuagu

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