My Soul's Resting Place.

Chidera Ochuagu
5 min readDec 20, 2023


Photo by Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho on Unsplash


I find absolute beauty in nature, I enjoy watching the moon from the window in my room or from my veranda. The birds come to my window every morning, they sit there as long as they want to and one of them keeps trying to build a nest there but for some reason, it never finishes it's construction. How I would love to have birds live with me.

Every morning I watch the birds, I see them sit on roofs and I admire how sweet they are, they sing melodies that bring joy and healing to my heart and makes me want to spend my whole life communicating with them.

I love the beauty of trees, their resilience, the way they bring forth fruits in their seasons, no rush, no disturbance, no capitalism pressure that tells them they have to bring fruits everyday to be productive.

They take their time. I love grasses and shrubs and plants, every December, they remind me of so much beauty that exists on this planet. The way they bring forth flowers towards the end of the year, each of them being so unique, colourful, beautiful and absolutely gorgeous, they remind me that it's never too late to bloom and bring forth beautiful flowers too, that there's never a late time to be glorious and beautiful.

I remember climbing trees as a child, making fans with the leaves of mango trees and then running with speed after I have pierced the leaves with a broom stick so that the wind can make it rotate like fan blades as I run, I can't quantify the joy I experienced everytime I did that.

I remember walking into the little forest that housed the monkeys in my mother's village and while I was afriad for snakes, I was so happy and It felt refreshing to witness how calm and soft the trees are when they live together, how they build connections to one another and form a large habitat, a whole community of trees, so fiercely they play their roles in protecting the earth and that day, they gave me peace, relaxation and healing.

Have you seen how the sky bounces? The colour of the sky in the morning when the sun rises and in the evening when it sets, how beautifully dark it gets when it's about the rain and how it sends thunder and lightening.

I look at the sky and she reminds me of myself, I think of how something so clear can also harbour darkness, of how something so calm and quiet can also make the loudest noise and shake the earth. It's fascinating and amazing.


Food can easily be a way to my heart, I love tasty meals, I love food, not because they satisfy my belly, but because they satisfy my brain and emotion. Foods are a miracle, I will forever worship the women who took it upon themselves to create beautiful meals and then pass down that knowledge from generation to generation.

Everytime someone gives me food, a bond forms between us, it can be likened to the bond that forms between a human and a dog when you feed the dog consistently. There’s almost no greater love than sharing meals with me or sending me a plate of food, it warms my heart’s, it makes me leap for joy, and then when I taste the food, my dopamine level rises, I see the happiness in my heart and I deeply send beautiful words to the person who gave me a plate of happiness.

Food creates memory, it open ups my soul, food is art, food is love, food is the silent "I care so much about you and I really love that you exist". Food is welcoming and uniting. Food is the soul of the society. Food is my soul, just like music, nature and community.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash


I am a lover almost as much as I am a hater, but for the poeple I love, my soul rests with them, my life flourishes with them, I enjoy the love they offer me and I enjoy just how much love I'm able to give them. My friends, my sister, my people, they form a small but amazing community that waters my soul and keep me living.

I live for the laughters and tears and fights and reconciliations, the sweet embrace, beautiful cuddles and warmth, my friends, they mean the world to me. They add color to this planet and just being with them makes me see the beauty of this planet. They shine so bright that on my dark days, their lights light up my world and bring colour to my colourless life.

Their laughter is magical, I love to see my people laugh,it does something to my stomach, maybe it awakens the butterflies. I love to see them win because then I get bragging rights, I want my people to know how much colour they bring to my life, how much energy and life they bring to my soul, these people, they make life worth living.


My heart sparks and dance around in happiness when I see justice take it's due course. Like the when the pedophile was sentenced to life in prison, like when someone celeberates the death of their abuser, it's a different kind of warmth and glow.

It means so much when I see minorities stand up and demand for justice, for their rights, for the recognition and respect they deserve. Like the women who now refuse to do the cooking during holidays, women who stop doing domestic labours for men. Like the lesbian couple who refuse to hide their love despite the hate and threats that comes with being openly queer in a homophobic country like mine.

It's a light to my soul, just seeing people choose to resist, to stand up, to say "not anymore' and to say "I deserve a space in this world and I will take it". How stunning!

Everyday, as these things resonates with my existence, they produce vibrations that shake my world to it's foundations, I get to experience joy, overwhelming joy, overflowing and radical joy. The type that makes my soul leap and my heart scream for joy.

My heart heals, my body heals, my soul heals, there's so much healing I experience just by having these things, watching all these and having these people in my life, it's like sunshine on cold days, like the warmth when you hug your lover. It's how my soul rests in joy.



Chidera Ochuagu

Hi, Welcome to my medium page, the place where I share my thoughts without holding back. I write about women, feminism and my life.