After IWD, what next?

Chidera Ochuagu
3 min readMar 9, 2022


It was international women's day and I saw all people, misogynist and patriarchal soldiers raising their voices to "celebrate women".

Makes me wonder why people should be celebrated only on particular days, why do humans set apart one day to celebrate people only to go back to treating the same people they celebrated like trash for the remaining 364days?

Every day is women's day, what happens after the chant of happy IWD? You all go back to oppressing women for the rest of the year. How is this one day any different? Why do you think women are strong only for one day and then call us weak vessels and emotional beings for the rest of the year?

Not that there's anything wrong with being emotional, there's nothing wrong with it, because of cause any human without emotions and the ability to feel pain can be called a psychopath and Is a threat to society.

I just want to remind you of this, wishing women a happy women's day is not enough. If you deny women of their human rights you have no business wishing us a happy women's day.

And before you scream "Happy International women's day" you should ask yourself these questions:

How am I helping women?

What am I doing for women's rights?

Do I understand women's struggles? Am I even willing to listen when they talk?

Do I give women what they merit without asking for sex in exchange for it?

Are women's efforts appreciated in my organisation?

Do I stand up for ALL women?

Does my company give women enough time and pay for maternal leave?

Is my company women-friendly?

Are the women in my organisation asked to do things like clean the office and serve coffee at meetings? Things outside their job description, just because they are women?

Do I uphold gender roles and stereotypes?

Do I blame women for men's or irresponsibilities and bad deeds?

Do I believe that women are here to serve men and rear children?

Do I blame women for being victims of rape and domestic violence and ritual killings?

In my organisation do women occupy at least 50% of the decision-making team?
Are women paid equal to their male counterparts for doing the same job?

In my family, do I take up parental roles and responsibilities or do I leave all the duties to the wife? Is my wife my partner or is she a housemaid who is also a cook and baby-making machine and sex toy for you?

How do I take up family responsibilities so that wife will not have to pause her dreams or stop them just to raise OUR children?

Do I support women's businesses without asking to have sex with them?

Do I sexualize women instead of dealing with my lust?

Am I working to see women in leadership positions?

Have I gotten a vasectomy or men's contraceptive pill? Yes, this is part of your duty to women and yourself.

Do I shame women and girls for their looks?

Am I a forced birther? Am I one of those people who believe that women shouldn't get abortions only to start looking for where to get an abortion when it hits you?

Do I still think that women shouldn't have decisions over their bodies? Do I understand bodily autonomy?

Do I support women only when they can do great things and be wealthy? (That's not supporting women be they way).

Do I sexually abuse women or keep quiet when a woman is being sexually abused?

These and more are questions you should ask yourself. Now that you have finished shouting "Happy IWD", what next? What happens to women next?

What do you do next? How do you treat women for the rest of the year?

Think about it.



Chidera Ochuagu

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