26: The Year Of Relaxation and Ease.

Chidera Ochuagu
3 min readJul 15, 2024


Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash

What Happened in 25.

A big chunk of my 25th year was for rest, physical rest, I was home most times, I slept well, I read a little more, I made myself good healthy foods when I felt like it and I also starved myself on bad days. I opened up my heart more and got burnt hurt in the process. However, the memories are worth it.

I fell in love with a woman, nursed my broken heart to healing, met new friends and lost both old and new friendships, 25 was that year that revealed how deeply I can love and also how much high walls I can put up around my heart.

By the end of 2023, I wanted to start a new business as the old one in my family house which my mother now runs was no longer profitable, due to the inflation and economic hell going on in this country and by the start of 2024 I was out trying to find a shop I could rent.

March 2024, I found one and by the end of the month I started a new business. A gadgets and accessories shop. The first month was hell as I got very little sales on some days and no sales on many other days. I think I went through that phase because my aunts and my mom continued reminding me that it is normal for businesses to go through that phase. My friend, P, gave me some money so I was able to pay a few bills and buy groceries as I had poured my whole money into my business. A cousin also sent me money to support and it helped a great deal. The business is beginning pick up, albiet very slowly, but I’m happy for the tiny growth while hoping for a lot more.

I think one of the most beautiful things I did in my 25th year was starting Lesbian Lens, a monthly publication for lesbians in Nigeria. It’s barely a month but I am so glad that I pulled that off.

My mental health was better, I felt more calm and at peace, even with my anxiousness and heartbreaks, I didn’t experience long depressive episodes, I pierced my navel, ears and nose, I cut off my already short hair and went almost bald, I cried less, I took each day slowly and I was fairly happy. 25 was a great year and I am happy for that.

Looking Forward to 26.

Turning 26 feels surreal, my heart rejoices, my soul is in bloom, I don't know what 26 year olds do but I'm going to find out what 26 will look like for me.

I feel good. I am happy and calm. and all I want is a year of bliss and joy.

For 26:

I am looking forward to making more money, to growing my business, and to making more connections.

I am looking forward to spoiling myself more, I hope to visit nearby states and countries for a weekend getaway.

I am hoping to find a lover, the most resourceful, amazing and wonderful woman there is. A woman that I am absolutely smitten by, the one that makes my smile perfect.

I do not have a lot of goals or plans for the year,but this is the year I just want to live and breathe, this is year I want to see growth in the works of my hand, the year I want my writings and works around the world, this is year I want to laugh and be happy indeed.

And trusting in my ability to create magic and beauty, I know that I can make my 26th year bang. I will make it beautiful.

If you’re a lesbian please follow Lesbian Lens and subscribe to receive emails every month when we publish.



Chidera Ochuagu

Hi, Welcome to my medium page, the place where I share my thoughts without holding back. I write about women, feminism and my life.